Chengyuan Zhang, Jiacheng Zhu, Wenshuo Wang*, and Junqiang Xi, (2020). Spatio-temporal Learning of Multivehicle Interaction Patterns in Lane-Change Scenarios. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. [paper][code][demo][project web]
Chengyuan Zhang, Xiaomin Zhang, Hongyun Ye, Ming Wei, and Xianxiong Ning*, (2019). An Efficient Parking Solution: A Cam-Linkage Double-Parallelogram Mechanism-Based 1-DOF Stack Parking System. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 11(4). [paper][demo]
Chengyuan Zhang, Jian Xiao*, (2018). Chaotic Behavior and Feedback Control of Magnetorheological Suspension System with Fractional-Order Derivative. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 13(2), 021007. [paper]

Conference Publications
Wenshuo Wang, Chengyuan Zhang, Pin Wang, and Ching-Yao Chan. Learning Representations for Multi-Vehicle Spatiotemporal Interactions with Semi-Stochastic Potential Fields. 2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV20'). [paper]
Chengyuan Zhang, Jiacheng Zhu, Wenshuo Wang, and Ding Zhao*. A General Framework of Learning Multi-Vehicle Interaction Patterns from Videos. IEEE 2019 22nd Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC19'). [paper]
CN108222589B, Cam-connecting rod type mechanical three-dimensional parking device. Chengyuan Zhang, Xiaomin Zhang, Hongyun Ye, Jinming Shi, Manzhi Wang, Xianxiong Ning. Chongqing University.