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News & Updates
We are going to hold a workshop on IEEE IV 2023:
Nov.: Received McGill Engineering Doctoral Award (MEDA).
Oct.: Fast-tracked to the Ph.D. program in Department of Civil Engineering, McGill University.
Sept.: Received Graduate Excellence Fellowship (GEF) Awards @ McGill.
June 06: Attending Deep Learning Summer Camp (DeeCamp2020).
April 15: Awarded the IVADO excellence scholarship for M.Sc.
April: I'm admitted to the Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, McGill University. I will pursue my Master's degree under the supervision of Prof. Lijun Sun.
Mar. 10: Our patent 'Cam-connecting rod type mechanical three-dimensional parking device' is granted by the National Intellectual Property Administration, P.R.China.
Oct. 27 - Oct. 31: Attending ITSC 2019. @Auckland, New Zealand.
Sept. - Jan. (2020): As a Visiting Student Researcher at MSC Lab, UC Berkeley. @Berkeley, California, US
July 19 - Aug.14: Attending Deep Learning Summer Camp (DeeCamp2019). We win the Outstanding Team Award & the Best Application Award @Beijing, China
June 24: One paper is accepted by ITSC 2019.
June 27: Get my Bachelor of Science degree and graduated from Chongqing University.
May 26: One paper is accepted by ASME Journal of Mechanism and Robotics.
April 11 - April 14: Attending 2019 VisionAndLearningSEminar, VALSE. @Hefei, Anhui, China
July - October: Visiting the Safe AI Lab, Carnegie Mellon University. @Pittsburg, Philadelphia, US
July 23 - July 24: Our team won the First Prize in the 2018 National Mechanical Innovation Competition. @Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
January - February: Attending the EILDP program in the Univerisity of Pennsylvania. @ Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, US
Sept. 5: One paper is accepted by ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics.
Activities & Daily Interests

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